Listen to it carefully. May the Almighty grant us inner understanding n divinely protect us all from such occurrences 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. Good piece of Wisdom
Brethren, I beseech thee to lend thine ears, for I bring forth a tale of a servant of the Lord, a beacon of light in our midst, our beloved brother, Narin Pradeep.
Narin, a minister of the Blessed Day organization, is a man of God, a man of faith, a man of service. He walks in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul, spreading the Good News to all…Read More
Brethren, I beseech thee to lend thine ears, for I bring tidings of our world, a world that seems to have strayed from the path of righteousness, on this 2nd day of June, in the year of our Lord, 2023.
In the heart of Europe, a land that has been baptized in the fires of conflict, the specter of war once again casts its long, foreboding shadow.…Read More
May our Loving Creator and Father be honored. I make an appeal, therefore,that we all remain sober, vigilant, watchful and prayerful in this ministry as the Lord has assured us Victory. Particularly, I commend everyone who’s active on this platform for every faithful path you are treading on. You’re a Vital part of God’s worldwide people.
Brethren, may this song ignite the desire and passion to see Christ when He comes back for the 2nd time. As we listen to it,may we all be blessed immeasurably. Wishing all of you a blessed month (JUNE).
Title: “A Day in the Life of the Globe: May 31st, 2023”
In the spirit of Paul the Apostle, who journeyed far and wide to share news and teachings, we bring you a summary of the events that have unfolded around the world on May 31st, 2023.
In the realm of entertainment, the world has been treated to a diverse array of cartoons interpreting…Read More
Ayo, listen up, got a tale to unfold,
‘Bout a young man named Adrian, brave and bold,
A 21-year-old believer, his faith never shook,
In his life, he’d spread the Word, like an open book.(Verse 2)
Tall, black hair, brown eyes, lookin’ like the Savior,
Walking the path, he was all about good behavior,
Isaiah 57:18, wrapped around his…Read More - Load More Posts

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- July 12, 2022