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Spreading The WordOffline

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    Spreading The Word

    2 years, 7 months ago

    Did you know there are many that hold to a theological view that the world is going to get better and that the Church is going to eventually dominate “seven major mountains of influence”?
    They also believe that we (The Church) will perfect dominion authority here on earth in order to usher in the second coming of Christ to establish his kingdom on earth.
    Despite this grand delusion of utopia, The Bible clearly tells us the opposite! In fact, Things aren’t going to get BETTER but get much WORSE!
    The Bible clearly warns us of the end time being filled with perilous days, falling away, mass deception, lawlessness abounding and the love of many waxing cold and becoming much worse as we approach the end of the Church age and the arrival of the Antichrist.
    False Prophets deceived the people of Jeremiah’s day by telling them that the sword wasn’t coming to the land and that there would be peace, when there was no peace!
    The same is happening today! True Watchmen are sounding the alarm to prepare the people for what is coming in the days ahead.
    Meanwhile, the False Prophets are cradling the masses to sleep with smooth words of deceit.
    Yes, God is still pouring out his Spirit and there will continue to be outpourings and times of refreshing but this will continue until the fullness of the Gentiles is fulfilled and the end of the Age is upon us.
    However, As we approach this climax and the end of the age, we are going to see the Nation become darker and the remnant of God become brighter!
    True Believers will no longer be able to hide their light under a bushel or blend in with the masses. You will either be walking according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air or you will be set apart as light and salt!
    The Mt. Carmel of our time has arrived and just as Elijah of his day warned the people to stop faltering between two opinions and either serve God or not, The cry is going across the land in this hour to get right with the Lord and either serve Him or serve Satan! There is no in-between! – Ricky Scaparo

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