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    1 year, 9 months ago

    In the land of old, there was a tiny creature, a spider, known for its diligence and resilience. This spider, small and seemingly insignificant, had a purpose and a mission. It sought to climb a water spout, a task that seemed insurmountable for such a tiny creature.

    Day after day, the spider would begin its ascent, only to be washed down by the rain. Yet, it did not despair. Instead, it would wait patiently for the sun to dry up all the rain, and then it would begin its journey anew.

    The people of the land watched this spectacle, some with amusement, others with indifference. Yet, there was a wise old sage who saw a lesson in the spider’s persistent efforts.

    One day, he gathered the people and said, “Behold the itsy bitsy spider, a creature small in size but great in spirit. Each day it attempts to climb the water spout, and each day the rain washes it down. Yet, it does not give up. It waits for the sun to shine again and resumes its task with renewed vigor.”

    The sage continued, “We are not unlike the itsy bitsy spider. We too face challenges that seem insurmountable. We too are washed down by the rains of life – our failures, our disappointments, our sorrows. Yet, like the spider, we must not give up. We must wait for the sun to shine again, for the Lord to light our path, and then we must resume our journey with renewed faith.”

    The people listened, and they learned. They saw the itsy bitsy spider in a new light, not as a mere creature, but as a symbol of perseverance and faith. And so, the itsy bitsy spider’s tale was passed down from generation to generation, a parable of persistence, resilience, and faith in the face of adversity.

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