Adam and Eve – According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were the first humans created by God, and lived in the Garden of Eden (c. 4000-3000 BCE).
Noah – According to the Bible, Noah was a righteous man who built an ark to save his family and animals from a great flood sent by God (c. 3000-2000 BCE).
Abraham – Considered the father of the Israelites, Abraham is known for his covenant with God, in which God promised to make his descendants a great nation (c. 2000-1800 BCE).
Isaac – Abraham’s son who was nearly sacrificed by his father at God’s command (c. 1800-1600 BCE).
Jacob – Abraham’s grandson who was renamed Israel by God and became the father of the twelve tribes of Israel (c. 1600-1500 BCE).
Joseph – Jacob’s son who was sold into slavery in Egypt but eventually became a powerful advisor to the Pharaoh (c. 1600-1500 BCE).
Moses – Considered the greatest prophet in Judaism, Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and received the Ten Commandments from God (c. 1400-1300 BCE).
Joshua – Moses’ successor who led the Israelites into the Promised Land (c. 1300-1200 BCE).
Samuel – Considered one of the last judges of Israel and the first prophet, Samuel anointed Saul as the first king of Israel (c. 1100-1000 BCE).
Saul – The first king of Israel who eventually fell out of favor with God (c. 1020-1000 BCE).
David – Considered the greatest king of Israel, David defeated Goliath and established Jerusalem as the capital (c. 1000-960 BCE).
Solomon – David’s son who built the first Temple in Jerusalem and was known for his wisdom (c. 960-930 BCE).
Elijah – A prophet who opposed the worship of the god Baal and was taken up to heaven in a whirlwind (c. 850-800 BCE).
Elisha – Elijah’s successor who performed many miracles and was known for his healing powers (c. 800-750 BCE).
Isaiah – A prophet who spoke of the coming Messiah and the ultimate redemption of Israel (c. 750-700 BCE).
Jeremiah – A prophet who warned of the coming destruction of Jerusalem and the Babylonian captivity (c. 627-587 BCE).
Daniel – A wise man who served in the Babylonian court and survived the lion’s den (c. 605-530 BCE).
Ezra – A priest and scribe who led the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile (c. 458-398 BCE).
Nehemiah – A governor who oversaw the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls after the Babylonian exile (c. 445-425 BCE).
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Writer at Blessed Day
Writer at BlessedDay.org