Saul’s life before he became a Christian was very different from the life he would later lead. He grew up in a small town, where the buildings were made of rough stone and the streets were lined with dirt and gravel. His family was poor, and he had to work hard just to make ends meet.
As he grew older, Saul became more and more devoted to the strict religious practices of his people. He wore long flowing robes made of rough wool, their drab brown color a testament to his humility and devotion. He spent hours each day studying the scriptures, his face etched with the intense concentration of one who is seeking to understand the mysteries of God.
When he traveled to the cities, he was struck by the beauty and opulence of their architecture. The buildings were made of gleaming marble and decorated with intricate carvings and ornamentation. The streets were bustling with people of all cultures, their clothing bright and colorful, a testament to their wealth and prosperity.
But Saul saw something else in the cities, something that disturbed him deeply. He saw the influence of foreign cultures, the worship of false gods, and the corruption of his people. He felt a deep sense of anger and frustration at the way the world was turning away from the true path of righteousness.
And so, when he heard about a new movement that was spreading throughout the land, a movement that claimed to follow a man named Jesus, Saul was outraged. He saw it as a threat to everything he held dear, a perversion of the true teachings of his people.
And so he set out to do everything in his power to stamp out this movement, to crush it before it could gain a foothold. He wore his rough woolen robes with pride, his face set in a stern expression of determination. He would not rest until the followers of Jesus were brought to justice.
Little did he know that his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus would change his life forever, transforming him from a bitter and angry man to a humble and devoted follower of the very man he had set out to destroy.
About Me

Writer at Blessed Day
Writer at BlessedDay.org