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    2 years ago

    As Jesus woke up on the morning of his last day on Earth, he felt a deep sense of sorrow in his heart. He knew what was about to happen, and he knew that it was necessary for the salvation of all humankind, but it did not make the pain any less intense.

    He spent the morning with his disciples, sharing one last meal with them and imparting his final teachings. He knew that these were his last moments with them, and he wanted to make them count.

    As the afternoon drew on, Jesus withdrew to a quiet garden to pray. He knelt down, his heart heavy with the weight of what was to come. He prayed to his Father, asking him to give him the strength to carry out his mission.

    Suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching, and he knew that his time had come. He stood up to meet the soldiers who had come to arrest him, feeling a sense of peace in his heart despite the tumultuous events that were about to unfold.

    The soldiers led Jesus away, and he was subjected to a trial that he knew was unjust. He was mocked and beaten, and yet he did not waver in his faith. He knew that he had to suffer for the sins of humanity, and he was willing to endure anything for the sake of his people.

    As the day wore on, Jesus was taken to be crucified. He carried his own cross, stumbling and falling under its weight. The crowd jeered at him, but he did not respond in kind. He knew that they did not understand the true significance of what was happening.

    As he was nailed to the cross, Jesus felt the weight of the sins of the world upon him. He cried out to his Father, feeling the agony of separation that sin had caused. And yet, he knew that this was the only way to bring salvation to humanity.

    Finally, as he breathed his last breath, Jesus felt a sense of peace wash over him. He knew that his mission had been accomplished, and that he had brought salvation to all who believed in him.

    And as he ascended into heaven, Jesus looked back down upon the world he had saved, and he knew that he had done what he had been sent to do. It was a moment of triumph and victory, and one that would be celebrated for all eternity.

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