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    1 year, 10 months ago

    In the days following the great flood, Noah and his family began to rebuild their lives upon the freshly cleansed earth. The descendants of Noah crafted a village using the very wood from the ark, as a constant reminder of God’s mercy and their salvation.

    Among the villagers, there lived a young boy named Jotham, the son of Reuel, a skilled carpenter. Jotham inherited his father’s talent and learned the art of working with wood from an early age.

    One day, as Jotham prayed and gave thanks for the Lord’s providence, a gentle voice spoke to him, “Jotham, my child, carve My visage upon the wooden surfaces of this village, crafted from the remnants of the ark, so that the memory of My mercy shall not be forgotten.”

    Humbled by the divine command, Jotham accepted the sacred task and began carving the likeness of God into the walls, furniture, and doors of their humble dwellings. As the faces emerged, the people of the village were amazed by the boy’s talent and his dedication to preserving the Lord’s mercy in their hearts.

    Reuel, however, did not share their amazement. He was disturbed by his son’s actions, for he believed that the carvings marred the simple beauty of his handiwork. He asked Jotham, “Why do you disfigure our labors with these mysterious etchings? Have we not honored the Lord enough by building our homes from the very wood of the ark?”

    But Jotham, guided by the soft whispers of the Lord, persisted in his divine mission. As the village was adorned with God’s countenance, the people felt His protective gaze upon them and found solace in the constant reminder of His presence.

    One day, as Reuel was working on a new piece of furniture, he slipped and fell, suffering a grievous injury to his leg. Unable to walk, he was confined to his bed, his heart filled with bitterness and resentment towards Jotham’s carvings.

    As Reuel lay suffering, the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Reuel, why do you reject the work of your son, who carves My face upon the wood in obedience to My will? Behold the consequences of your hardened heart, and see the truth of My presence in his work.”

    Upon awakening, Reuel’s eyes were opened, and his heart was softened. He gazed upon the carvings that adorned his own home with newfound reverence and marveled at the divine presence that emanated from them. He called for Jotham and tearfully apologized for doubting the sacred purpose behind his son’s carvings.

    With the help of Jotham and the villagers, Reuel slowly regained his strength and learned to walk again. From that day forth, Reuel and Jotham worked side by side, crafting beautiful wooden creations that bore the Lord’s countenance. The village, constructed from the wood of the ark, continued to flourish under the watchful gaze of the Almighty, and the people rejoiced in the constant reminder of His love and protection.

    And so it was that through the faithful obedience of a young boy named Jotham, and the humbling trials faced by Reuel, the face of God graced the remnants of the ark, serving as a beacon of hope and comfort for all who sought His presence.

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