The Bible is all about Jesus.
Sometimes it’s possible to be reading the Bible and not realize that the main point is Jesus.
It’s simple: The answer is always Jesus.Instead of reading the Bible and seeing Jesus, we tend to make it about us and our performance. Wherever you are at in the Bible, read it to look for Jesus.
1. Like the “certain man” in this parable, we are travelers (sojourners) on this earth. We don’t belong to this earth – we are just passing through.
2. The priest who passed by and didn’t help represents the Law. The Law will not help you to meet its demands.
3 The levite represents a distinguished person. Our good works and accomplishments cannot save us either.4 THE GOOD SAMARITAN IS A PICTURE OF JESUS.
God comes close to you. He doesn’t withdraw from you.Like how the samaritan put the injured man on his animal, we have traded places with Jesus.
At the cross, Jesus received our sins and we received His righteousness so that today we can be the righteousness of God in Christ.Like how the samaritan said “when I come again”, Jesus is coming back again.
The innkeeper represents believers like you and I. We will be repaid by Jesus when He comes back.Travelers (unbelievers) are hurting from the elements of this world. There is an inn to give them refuge. The inn represents the church.
These inns used to be located near to these dangerous highways. God wants to be near the broken and hurting people in the world.
We worship passionately in church today because we were broken and Jesus put all our broken pieces back together.Take care of him” – our Heavenly Father desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
May we be willing to spend all our resources to love and comfort all the hurting people around the world. Jesus will repay us.
About Me

Writer at Blessed Day
Writer at BlessedDay.org